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State Council for Persons with Disabilities


SCPD Letters

This page provides access to SCPD Legislative, Regulatory, and Policy Analysis memos by year. It also provides access to SCPD State Budget letters, State House Bill Letters, State Policy Letters, State Regulation Letters, and State Senate Bill Letters. Lastly, it provides access to Federal Legislation and Federal Policy Letters.

What You'll Find Here

Disability Law Program (DLP) Analysis Memos
This page provides access to historical SCPD Legislative, Regulatory, and Policy Analysis memos by year dating back to 2010.

Delaware State Letters
This page provides access to SCPD State Budget, House and Senate Bills, and Policy, Regulation Letters dating back to 2011 for historical purposes.

Federal Letters
This page provides access to Federal Legislation and Policy Letters dating back to 2008.

Joint Finance Committee Budget Testimony
This page allows users to view Memos written by the Community Legal Aid Society, Inc., Disabilities Law Program to various state agencies commenting and providing recommendations to the agency’s annual budget request on behalf of the State Council, Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC), Governor’s Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens (GACEC), and the Disabilities Law Program (DLP).