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State Council for Persons with Disabilities


Delaware TBI Fund Personal Statement by Alyson E.

Funding for: Brain Love, Lauren Haggerty: Neurotherapy + Brain Maps

Brain Love, Neurotherapy + Brain Maps 3/9/21 – 5/28/21:

In March of 2021, I met with Lauren Haggerty to do a Brain Map and then start my 10 sessions of Neurotherapy. We did two brain maps and 10 sessions of Neurotherapy from March to May 2021. Both Lauren Haggarty and Dr. Somner, Amen Clinic, support the use of Neurotherapy to get my brain to begin to heal from its permanent damage. I have been recommended at least 20 – 30 sessions in total due to the significance of my permanent brain damage. The brain map did show improvement and I did feel better. It has improved my memory a bit and reaction time. I do know I have at least 10-20 sessions I need to do and will begin that process as soon as possible. I plan to continue therapy for this along with my HBOT sessions, herbal tinctures, follow up sessions with my doctors, vestibular and ocular therapy, prescriptions (as needed), rest, an anti-inflammatory diet, the correct amount of physical activity, avoiding over stimulating events, and maintaining a positive outlook. I know this will take at least another year to get back to where (or close to where) I was prior to my accident on 9/29/20.

By having the Delaware TBI Fund pay for my therapy, I am able to share the financial burden of my treatment and expenses. Healing my brain has taken a huge toll on my life, I lost my full-time job, cannot do some of my side jobs, and am just getting back on my feet. I now have more expenses than ever and am just trying to survive so I can get to a place where I can work full-time, feel 100%, and live my life. I appreciate the generosity of the Delaware TBI Fund and am working to shed light on the fact that brain injuries are very hard on the patient, do not appear obvious to others, and many new treatments are not covered by insurance. I am doing this through social media, speaking with others, and will be doing a fundraiser.

Thank you!
-- Alyson