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State Council for Persons with Disabilities


Dear TBI Fund Committee,

I am writing to let you know the neurotherapy at BrainLove with Lauren Haggerty, did not give me the results I had hoped for. I will not be continuing treatments.

I had a Brain Map done, a week later a treatment. That week I had side effects that didn’t feel good, that were symptoms from the TBI, I had worked through. Having them come back was scary and unpleasant. Some of the experiences were; 1. Forgetting what I did 30 seconds prior. 2. Not being able to make simple decisions; for example, should I open the refrigerator or put a loaf of bread on the counter. That causes an unpleasant feeling in my head. Also, 3. I felt like I did when I took medication for migraines. Like I wasn’t connecting to my core – that was scary too. I also had nervous energy. I had to keep trying to do things to get away from how I was feeling.

And I think from the treatments, my lower back was hurting. (she puts electrical things on the lower back when working on the Vagus nerve.) I was eating more sugar, drinking more coffee. My blood pressure and eye pressure were higher.

Before the second treatment I told her what I had experienced the prior week. She said it will fad and it was normal for old symptoms to come up. I tried one more treatment. The 2nd time the effects were more intense and lasted longer. By the following week I still felt bad, I told her I was afraid to do anymore treatments. Lauren wanted me to take a break and come back, thinking it could really help me, and I really wanted to be helped.

The next day I emailed Lauren and told her I cannot come back. I cannot take the chance of that happening again, it was unbearable and, what If I didn’t come back to the place I progressed to, that I worked so hard and long to achieve. I still have some subtleness of 1. And 2. But I am ok. I am almost back.

Lauren recommended Craniosacral Therapy and Massage Therapy. Being Medicaid doesn’t cover these therapies, and I cannot afford them, she suggested PT for my neck and base of my skull. The Brain Mapping shows issues in my neck and base of my skull, that are significant.

I started PT with Shore Movement in Lewes. He is doing gentle manipulations, and I am practicing neck stretches. The neurologist I see, Dr. Dave, several months back had suggested, after Vision Therapy, for me to go for Cognitive Therapy with a speech therapist. I have had a few sessions with Michele Poynton ‐Marsh in Lewes.

I also have my first appointment 12/10/21 at Synergy Cognitive Behavioral Health. I want to learn EFT/tapping and maybe EMDR to help support me emotionally with this process of healing.

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity try to get better with neurotherapy. I am sorry it didn’t work out. Wishing all of you a Great Holiday Season and Happy New Year.
