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State Council for Persons with Disabilities


Dear Dee,

The results of the SPECT scan are consistent with my issues with visual processing (especially screens such as TV, laptop & cell phone), sound sensitivity, memory and concentration. As advised in the Amen Clinic report, and recommended by Dr. Schaller, I have made the following changes to my treatment plan:

  1. Scheduled Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy beginning March 16, 2023.
  2. Attended an 18th century dance class on March 1 (and plan to continue to attend such classes)
  3. Set up a ping pong table in my basement to use multiple times per week
  4. Increase aerobic exercise by using stationary exercise bike in my basement
  5. Add daily fish oil supplements
  6. Use Luminosity app daily
  7. Continue balance exercises provided by Dr. Schaller and vestibular exercises at home (previously done in Novacare physical therapy)

In conclusion, the SPECT scans have identified the injured areas of my brain. This has enabled Dr Schaller to recommend additional activities which will help treat the problems noted above. I hope that implementing these activities will improve my visual and auditory abilities, concentration and memory.

Many thanks for you support in enabling me to have the SPECT scans done at the Amen Clinic!

Please let me know if you require any further information.

Best regards,
  Beverly Z