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State Council for Persons with Disabilities


To Dee and TBI Fund Committee Members

The TBI neurotherapy I have received from Lauren Haggerty, has been a blessing and most helpful. I acquired the TBI through a rollover car accident and slamming into a concrete wall. Because of this accident, I started to stutter, became an insomniac, having to wear an eye patch over my right eye, imbalanced gait, migraines, delusional, suspicious of my partner's actions as if this was not enough, my bipolar kicked into high gear.

Today, as a result of therapy, I stopped stuttering with an occasional slip, I can finally get the proper rest needed for my brain to start healing, I am no longer having to wear the eye patch for the double vision, light sensitivity, nauseous to my stomach and everything is not at an angle anymore. M depth perception has improved immensely as well. The accusations towards my partner have been at bay and I remember where I actually place things, except for normality of misplacing things. The delusions are gone and my Bipolar has become much better.

If it had not been for the TBI fund, I would not have been able to improve upon my condition and get some normality back. I could benefit further from another 10 weeks of therapy if granted more from TBI funding. I am highly recommending Lauren to anyone with this type of condition, for between her and the funding I feel more like myself again, I have been told by Lauren the QEEG report has been sent or else I would had attached the report. Thank you in advance for the Committee’s consideration for more funding.

Yours in Service

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