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State Council for Persons with Disabilities


Hello Dee,

I, Cornell, greatly appreciate being funded by your organization to get answers from my brain injury & I deeply apologize for not responding earlier to let y’all know how my results turned out with the Amen Clinic Spectrum. At this time, I’m still having problems with my daily functions but with help from therapy things are getting better day by day.

Below you will find notes from Dr. Schaller and the Amen Clinic with an explanation of what was discovered from the Spectrum, along with an attachment (w) images from the results.

Thank You,

  1. There was decreased right temporal lobe tracer activity seen on both studies. There was also decreased tracer uptake on the left temporal lobe in both studies, more severe at rest. These findings are consistent with increased irritability, memory issues, and anxiety. This would also explain your intolerance of sounds. The recommended treatment of anticonvulsants like Topamax/topiramate is already being used in your plan.
  2. On the left and right inferior orbital prefrontal cortex and prefrontal cortex pole is seen on both studies. These deficits can be consistent with concentration and focus issues like ADD or ADHD and depression. This would also explain your issues with multitasking and your description that you can only “focus on one thing at a time.”
  3. There was increased left basal ganglia tracer activity on both studies, more intense at rest and increased right basal ganglia tracer activity seen with concentration. This appears as the white areas on the “eyes” that should just be red on the red-white and blue images. These findings can be consistent with a struggle with anxiety. Recommendation for treatment with antianxiety medications is advised. And currently you are on Wellbutrin/buproprion XL 150 mg once a day.
  4. There is also diffuse and focal increased thalamic tracer activity in both studies, more intense with concentration. This is seen as white on the “nose” area of the red-white and blue images. This area should only be red and not white. This could be consistent with depression post head injury. This can specifically be related to anger and irritability like you described today. Once again, Wellbutrin/buproprion was recommended that you are currently on.
  5. There was increased tracer of your cingulate gyrus seen on concentration that can be consistent with argumentativeness, which you also described today.
  6. On your cerebellum (the smile on the red-white and blue images) which should be the most active area on the red-white and blue images and thus should be a big white smile, there was notable decreased activity and mostly red and not white. This is consistent with difficulties with higher order processing such as planning and impulse control. It also would be responsible for your imbalance and vertigo. Decreased activity in the cerebellum can also cause slowed thinking and slowed speech.