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State Council for Persons with Disabilities


Dear Dee L Rivard,

I first must apologize for the delay of my letter. I am so appreciation of my SPECT scans.

I have hard copies that I will send to you ASAP until you receive them I have included them here scanned into a PDF file.

I have included the written interpretation written by Dr. Amen also. It was a great experience and I highly recommend it to any person able to go and participate in the scans.

My symptoms have been so life changing that I lost hope of ever regaining my former brain abilities again.

My scan results appear to be significant in the severity of the injury. I met with my doctor (Dr Schaller) before receiving Dr Amen’s impression and recommendation was official impression in writing.

Dr. Schaller has suggested hyperbaric chambers to increase blood flow to the brain. I am in the process of getting this approved by insurance and /or the workman’s com. Provider.

I will be speaking with the Nurse Practitioner on Sept 8,2022 and I will see how this request is going. I will keep you updated on any further changes.

In the meantime, I am reading 2 of Dr Amen’s books regarding improving brain function memory and changing the brain. I am having difficulty digesting all the particulars but am trying to implement some suggestion like limiting caffeine, exercising daily (I walk with walking sticks outside or on the treadmill inside) my max time is 15-20 min. due to my wonky head and dysautonomia issues of which I am taking a drug to improve vasoconstriction to keep my BP elevated. I am limiting process food as best that I can and increased fresh vegetables and fruits. I continue with many brain rests during the day to help me with my activity. I am presently undergoing therapy for my TMJ which has been exacerbated since my injury.

I am hoping to bring you more positive improvements. I have seen little improvement over the last 4 months. I have graduated from my vision therapy which has improved. For this I am grateful.

My computer time is limited still.

Please express my sincere appreciation of your generosity for the scans.

Being a nurse and teacher of medical high school students, if you would like me to speak in person, I would be willing to offer myself.

My skill set is severely impaired, but I am willing to help in any way I can.

I believe it would be beneficial to my recovery if I can assist in any way.

Please feel free to contact me.

Many, Many Thanks