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State Council for Persons with Disabilities


State Council for Persons with Disabilities
Margaret M. O’Neill Bldg., Suite 1
410 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901-3640

Dear State Council for Persons with Disabilities:

I wanted to take a moment to thank each of you for the opportunity to work with Lauren Haggerty from Brain Love. I found my experience with Lauren to be very helpful. Brain training has helped me become more focused in my daily activities, and my college schoolwork. I have become more vocal with my opinions, less foggy, and more connected to my emotions. As a matter of fact, because of the brain training, I am more confident in my decision to move forward with my paramedic degree. I am finding that because of my ability to focus more on my tasks at hand, schoolwork has become easier to complete with positive outcomes.

Brain Love has helped me tremendously and I have been thinking of ways to help others. I have even thought of starting my own non-profit to assist families connect with alternative therapies for attention deficit and other attention disorders. I do not want other people to go through the angst that I suffered from for years because of people’s inability to think outside the box.

The help that SCPD provided in funding my brain training was a blessing and I greatly appreciate all that you have done. I look forward to what my future holds. Thank you so very much!

-- Dylan