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State Council for Persons with Disabilities


Dear Dee, John and TBI Fund Members,

First, THANK YOU for approving our application so Brenan could get a SPECT Scan from the Amen Clinic in NYC. This scan has provided us with a wealth of information and new pathways forward. I apologize for the length of time it has taken us to write this email. We have been “immersed in the next steps” recommended by the report we received from Amen.

Since his SPECT scan, we have gathered a team of practitioners to help guide us on the slow road to recover/readjustment.

The ways in which this information has been most helpful:

  • Confirmed the severity of his injury. Additionally, the findings also correlated with his PTSD diagnosis. We now know the location of his injuries and what parts of his brain are under or over‐active. This information correlates well with the confusing behavior/symptoms we have seen over the years.
  • Direct treatment in a more focused manner, including psychotropic medication management.
  • His scan indicates that he also has ADD. This opened an additional doorway for treatment that was not on our radar previously.
  • Provided Brennan with additional information about why his symptoms are so severe, therefore reducing debilitating feelings of shame, selfblame and confusion that were getting in the way of the positive attitude and perseverance required for engaging productively in TBI recovery.THIS was huge!
  • Provided necessary education around the therapeutic use of medical marijuana and the dangers of misuse or overuse. This led us to find a medical doctor in Boston who is helping us in this process. Brennan has severe IBS, cyclical vomiting syndrome and nausea. MM helps him immensely, but he hasn’t had proper support on the correct amount or administration in order to maximize benefits and minimize negative side effects.
  • Bren will begin ocular therapy this week. His optometrist found the Amen report to be very thorough and helpful in targeting her treatment plan. His treatment will last approximately 6 – 8 months and the deficits in his vision due to TBI may be contributing significantly to his symptoms of nausea, headaches, and emotional dysregulation.
  • Brennan's psychotherapist was able to attend our meeting with the doctor from the Amen Clinic, providing him with a ton of information that will be useful in helping direct his psychotherapy treatment plan as well.
  • • We also received guidance as to a regimen of supplements that are believed to support brain health, regeneration and recovery. Brennan’s neuropsychiatrist was in agreement with all of the suggestions provided to us.
  • Additionally, the report provided many other options for adjunct treatment that we were not aware of previously. Obviously, we can’t do everything at once, but we now have resources that were not available to us prior to his evaluation at Amen.

Thank you again for the work you are doing on behalf of brain injury survivors. Best wishes for a safe and peaceful holiday season.

-- Karen and Brennan