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State Council for Persons with Disabilities


Our dear friends on the Brain Injury Fund Committee,

To whom it may concern,

I started Neurofeedback August 4, 2020. I noticed by session four that l was starting to see results. My headaches began to lessen until I had no migraines by October. That continued until December 6, 2020. I also noticed that my work duties became much easier for me to perform. The over stimulation and processing were something I constantly struggled with. I work in a busy environment with lots of noise and lights and I noticed they did not bother me any longer. My ability to multitask had returned as well. For a long while I felt as if my brain could not shift from one task to another. After almost a year I felt like I finally had gotten my life back.

What I was not expecting were some of my symptoms to return toward the end of my Neurofeedback sessions. My second brain map showed improvement in my thalamus which is the part that Lauren seemed to think was the most deregulated, which was around the time l had the most relief from my symptoms. My third brain map shows that there has been some regression in the thalantus which coincides with the symptoms returning. I am looking to continue doing Neurofeedback as it helped me before and I believe can help me again.

Th~s for your time

Thanks for your time,
-- Kim Paul