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State Council for Persons with Disabilities


Dear Brain Injury Advisory Committee,

I would first like to thank you for the donation for my neurotherapy with Brain Love given to me by Lauren K. Haggerty, MSPT, BCN. I found that it helped me gain improvements in several areas of my life.

My life within in my home has become more independent. As you know I had a stroke a year and a half ago and since then I have been very limited in my ability to be mobile. This treatment has enabled me for the first time to walk better using my walker. For the first time I have the confidence and ability to get up from my wheelchair without help and walk, though slowly, to places in the house by myself. Before this I could not get out of the chair by myself and I had to have someone with me while walking because I was unable to stay balanced. I can also move my ankle and toes on my own as well as bend the knee. This movement is somewhat restricted, but before the treatment I could not move my toes at all and the ankle movement was limited. I had to concentrate very hard to move my ankle and it took awhile for the ankle to move. Now I still have to concentrate but it takes only a moment for the ankle to move. It seems like the message is moving a little faster from my brain to my ankle.

This treatment has benefitted my daily life in many ways. I am able to move around the house unattended with my walker, I can walk down the ramp to the car and even get into the car on my own now. I have been told by friends who don’t see my daily that when they visit I seem more focused and able to carry on a conversation without long pauses between my thoughts. I have to admit I have noticed that my talking has improved as long as I am not interrupted. I am aware that I still cannot live alone but feel confident enough to be alone for short periods of time. I seem to be much more aware of my environment whereas before I felt like I was in a fog andslept a lot. Unfortunately, though I still have trouble with the remote control. Another benefit from this procedure as been very pleasant. I can understand how to play the game of Uno with my family when they come down for weekend visits. In the past I would just sit and watch because I couldn’t remember the rules.

I want to thank you all for this opportunity that you gave me. I live on a fixed income and am very limited on what I can afford to help me in my rehabilitation. I hope that we can work together again because I feel this program is working to my benefit. I know it will take more sessions with neurotherapy.

-- E. Harry Lartz