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State Council for Persons with Disabilities


Dear: TBI Fund Members:

The home modifications for David Maloney were completed last week. The ramp that was built increased his ability to move around outside without fear of falling from the both of us. Mr. Tull and his crew have excellent craftsmanship. The grab bars were placed in the bathroom to enable him to steady himself while getting a shower. Before these were placed, he took a fall in the bathroom. He’s able to steady himself on his own with myself close by. The chair height toilet also helped him tremendously to be able to get off commode on his own. At one point, before this was placed, his back went out and I had to call the paramedics to help him get off commode. The door alarms were placed, my father now suffers from dementia due to a prior TBI and this allows me to ensure he’s safe and to know when he exits the home. Before this was placed, I had to sleep downstairs in the recliner to ensure he didn’t wander off. Truly a blessing all of you have been to my father and myself to ease safety concerns and mobility. Due to the pandemic, his podiatrist appointment was delayed until June. These shoes will help him steady himself more to prevent falls. I appreciate everything that was done. Again, your fund is truly a blessing to him and I’m sure others.

Thank you,
-- Cammy Bratcher and David Maloney