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State Council for Persons with Disabilities


Delaware’s TBI Fund Administrator,

I Sharon D sincerely want to thank the State Council for Persons with Disabilities for the TBI Funds I received.

If it wasn’t for you guys and the grace of GOD, I wouldn’t be able to write this leter.

No one knows how difficult my life was. There were days I couldn’t get out the bed nor could I stand sunlight. To have your life disassemble made me very angry and not wanted to live like this. At the time I had no insurance. My dizzy spells were unbearable. I had many sleepless nights with tears.

After receiving funds from the organization and speaking with Ms. D. L. Rivard made me realize I can beat this.

It may have taken almost two years but I’m feeling 85% beter. I can go back to living a life that I am accustom too. I personally suggest the light therapy. I didn’t think it would work, but it did.

Thank you Ms. D. Rivard for all the kind words and your understanding and most of all HELP.

Thank You,
  Sharon D.