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State Council for Persons with Disabilities

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Brain Injury Basic Self-Care

After sustaining a brain injury it is very important to leg go of some personal responsibilities and return to the basics of supporting your injured brain. Especially when symptoms increase and energy levels and tolerance for brain and visual stimulation decrease.

Individuals with a brain injury need to learn to:

  1. Ask for help,
  2. Accept less than perfect,
  3. Say no and set boundaries,
  4. Simplify,
  5. Re-prioritize,
  6. Get enough sleep,
  7. Eat well and healthy,
  1. Exercise,
  2. Let go of any guilt,
  3. Practice gratitude,
  4. Connect with friends,
  5. Remember that things will change,
  6. Rest and de-stress frequently,
  7. When you are able to return to work, Set up a supportive work environment.

Follow the links on this page to learn more about the different types of self-care and complementary and alternative medicine.

Basic Self Care – Eating well, Drinking Water, Exercise, Aerobic Activity, Strength training, and practicing good sleep habits.

Fundamentals for Living – Survivors often have a hard time knowing how to manage new challenges, managing stress, setting goals, being patient and knowing when to ask for help.

Importance of Sleep - Many people who have brain injuries suffer from sleep loss, making it harder for them to concentrate. There are several types of sleep issues that may affect you.

Nutrition - A healthy diet and regulated eating during the recovery from a brain injury is essential.