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State Council for Persons with Disabilities


TBI Fund Assistance - Thank You Archive

2022 |  2021 |  2020 |  2019 |  2018 |  2016 |  2015 |  2014


DM's Letter

Dear Dee L Rivard,

My scan results appear to be significant in the severity of the injury. I met with my doctor (Dr Schaller) before receiving Dr Amen’s impression and recommendation was official impression in writing.Dr. Schaller has suggested hyperbaric chambers to increase blood flow to... Read More

LD's Letter

Dear Mrs. Rivard and the Committee on Traumatic Brain Injuries of Delaware,

Thank you immensely for supporting me through my traumatic brain injury both emotionally and financially. Emotionally... Read More

MDR's Letter

Hello Dee,

Thank you again for the funding of the SPECT scan I had done January 3,4, 2022 in Reston, Virginia. This SPECT scan provided the blueprint for Dr. Schaller of my brain to better... Read More

ASG's Letter

John and Dee,

I am writing to update the TBI Fund on the outcome of my SPECT scan on 2/21/22, which I was able to receive through Delaware’s TBI Fund. I also would like to thank you for giving me the funds... Read More

DEJ's Letter

Dear TBI Fund Committee,

Thank you for funding my SPECT Scans, it gave us additional treatments to use in my therapy. It matched the other tests that was performed in Dr. Schaller's office... Read More

CS's Letter

Hello Dee,

I, Cornell, greatly appreciate being funded by your organization to get answers from my brain injury & I deeply apologize for not responding ... Read More

JRP's Letter

John McNeal (Director) and Dee L. Rivard (ES, TBI Fund, & Deaf Sign Request Administrator),

Please accept this as my closing letter for funding my SPECT Scan to help identify areas of my brain that were recently damaged due to a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). The SPECT Scans and report from the Amen Clinic ... Read More

RA's Letter

Hi There!

The recommendations were to try gabapentin, however, we have already tried that with no success so we will not be doing that. The other recommendation... Read More

KW's Letter

I want to sincerely thank the TBI Fund committee for allowing me access to the SPECT scan at the Amen Clinic. It was able to give me some answers and validation to what I've been going through this... Read More

BMS's Letter

Good morning Dee,

I picked Brian up from camp yesterday and man did he have a blast! I am attaching pictures of his awards that he received and some of the crafts ... Read More

LR's Letter

To whom it may concern: I received your Letter in the mail , Thank you for offering your services in helping me to get the SPECT SCAN ... Read More

CLV's Letter

To Dee and TBI Fund Committee Members,

The TBI neurotherapy I have received from Lauren Haggerty, has been a blessing and most helpful. I acquired the TBI through a rollover car accident... Read More

CLV's Letter

My focus and concentration improved and my being suspicious of my partner went away. This has helped my relationship a great deal for it is not just ... Read More

AUM's Letter

Dear TBI Fund Committee,

I thank you and Amy for your support on my journey of healing. I wouldn’t be as far along as I am if I hadn’t meet Amy (for BIADE support groups) and gotten ... Read More

AUM's Letter

Dear TBI Fund Committee,

I am writing to let you know the neurotherapy at BrainLove with Lauren Haggerty, did not give me the results I had hoped for. I will not be continuing ... Read More


Charles's Letter

To Dee and TBI Fund Committee Members

The TBI neurotherapy I have received from Lauren Haggerty, has been a blessing and most helpful. I acquired the TBI through a rollover car accident and slamming into a concrete wall. Because of this accident, I started to... Read More

Alyson's Letter

Delaware TBI Fund Personal Statement by Alyson E.

In March of 2021, I met with Lauren Haggerty to do a Brain Map and then start my 10 sessions of Neurotherapy. We did two brain maps and 10 sessions of Neurotherapy from March to May 2021. Both Lauren Haggarty and Dr. Somner, Amen Clinic, support the use of Neurotherapy... Read More

Dylan's Letter

Dear State Council for Persons with Disabilities:

I wanted to take a moment to thank each of you for the opportunity to work with Lauren Haggerty from Brain Love. I found my experience with Lauren to be very helpful. Brain training has helped me become more focused in my daily... Read More

Marisa's Letter

Dear State Council for Persons with Disabilities:

Let me begin by thanking each of you for the opportunity to continue working with Lauren Haggerty from Brain Love. Thanks to Lauren’s neurofeedback therapies, I have been able to regulate my emotions. I have seen a big change in my... Read More

Lora's Letter


I want to thank the DE Brain Injury Fund for paying for Jennifer Arisman's SPECT Scan at Amen Clinics. Jennifer had a Brainscope in August of 2020 that showed no physical damage to the brain. Her concussion doctor, Dr. Vincent Schaller, was at a loss as to why her... Read More

Mr & Mrs Blanding's Letter

Good Morning!

The chair is a huge asset to our quality of life. If Mr. Blanding's hands are full with other things, cane, or walker and a bottle of water, (for example) I can assist in getting him up and down the stairs by using one of the remotes that were installed. Two remotes installed on the walls, one upstairs and one downstairs.

Also, while using the remote I can... Read More

Kim's Letter

To whom it may concern,

I started Neurofeedback August 4, 2020. I noticed by session four that l was starting to see results. My headaches began to lessen until I had no migraines by October. That continued until December 6, 2020. I also noticed that my work duties became much... Read More


Karen & Brennan's Letter

Dear Dee, John and TBI Fund Members:

First, THANK YOU for approving our application so Brenan could get a SPECT Scan from the Amen Clinic in NYC. This scan has provided us with a wealth of information and new pathways forward. I apologize for the length of time it has taken us to write this email. We have been... Read More

Amy's Letter

Our dear friends on the Brain Injury Fund Committee,

My name is Amy Burhop and I am the caregiver to our amazing miracle, Danielle. Dani was tragically injured 7 years ago when she was a pedestrian struck by a motor vehicle traveling at 55mph. Dani sustained a TBI and suffers from long term effects such as severe migraines, debilitating anxiety and just all over agitation especially in the evening. After her accident someone suggested we get her a weighted blanket to help calm her on tough days. We sought out the Brain Injury Fund back then and her blanket was a heaven sent. She has grown over the years and she was in need of a larger more “grown up” blanket. Of course the Brain Injury Fund came... Read More

David's Letter

Dear: TBI Fund Members:

The home modifications for David Maloney were completed last week. The ramp that was built increased his ability to move around outside without fear of falling from the both of us. Mr. Tull and his crew have excellent craftsmanship. The grab bars were placed in the bathroom to enable him to steady himself while getting a shower. Before these were placed, he took a fall in the bathroom. He’s able to steady himself on his own with myself close by. The chair height toilet also helped him tremendously to be able to get off commode on his own. At one point, before this was placed, his back went out and I had to call... Read More

Dori's Letter

Dear TBI Fund Committee:

I would like to thank those responsible for funding the removal of Sams tooth that was very infected. The expectations are that Sam can now be out of pain and have a better quality of life

Thank you,


AB's Letter

Dear TBI Fund Committee,

THANK YOU so much for the Delaware Traumatic Brain Injury Fund approving funding to provide a really nice new computer to me with voice to text software on it that helps me complete every day activities and helps me to stay in contact with people without leaving home!

You have NO IDEA what this means to me. Let me explain a little. What having a brain injury is... Read More

Keith's Letter

This is to the TBI Committee, just wanted to give you a thanks for having a new heater and A/C unit put in my house. I have heard that with a TBI the temperature is important to someone with a brain injury. Plus my old unit was on it's way out and there is no way I could afford a new system, that's one less thing I need to worry about.

Thanks again,
Keith Thibodeau

Ryan's Letter

Dear Brain Injury Trust Fund:

Thank you so much for my moss rehab driving training and my accessibility equipment. It has meant the world to me to somewhat feel like a part of the daily commute. Thank you to who was my driving instructor through moss rehab. I appreciate your guys dedication to my dream of having my license again. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making me feel apart of the community again. I appreciate the help I have received from the brain injury trust fund this wouldn’t be possible without the trust committee.

Thanks. Ryan

Thank you for your support and help Dee. I appreciate all of your work.

Ryan M's Letter


Thank you so much for your attention. They just called me today I will contact them tomorrow and schedule the initial meeting. I don’t expect you guys to pay for the additional classes if they are needed. thank you so much for your attention to this matter this means a lot I have the chance to get my license before my 4 year anniversary thank you so much I will inform them tomorrow that you guys are footing my initial bill that I am gonna need a clear print out of both the bill and my driving assessment.


Sam's Letter

Dear TBI Fund Committee,

Thank you for paying for Sam’s eye exam and required glasses. These glasses help filter the sun so Sam gets less migraines from the sun. The funding assistance from the SCPD Traumatic Brain Injury Fund was also helpful because he has very little income.


Anne's Letter

Dear Members of the State Council for Persons with Disabilities and the State Legislature:

Thank you so very much for making it possible for me to have this wonderful Bruno Joey lift and Pride Victory scooter through your SCPD Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund. My family has taken apart and then put together first a power chair and then scooters into a station wagon for almost twenty years... Read More

Bob & Christine's Letter

Dear State Council for Persons with Disabilities:

Bob Maichle and Christine Jock confirms that Mr. Joseph Kokoszka of C & K Builders LLC has carried out the Residential Project Middletown, DE 19709. Mr. Kokoszka has successfully completed the work in accordance with the contractual conditions, specifications and schedule. Bathroom demolition and renovation including complete shower demolition to replace leaking plumbing and tile from previous construction. Shower was gutted, new plumbing installed, and new tile replaced in shower along with new plywood and... Read More

Harry's Letter

Dear Brain Injury Advisory Committee:

I would first like to thank you for the donation for my neurotherapy with Brain Love given to me by Lauren K. Haggerty, MSPT, BCN. I found that it helped me gain improvements in several areas of my life.

My life within in my home has become more independent. As you know I had a stroke a year and a half ago and since then I have been very limited in my ability to be mobile. This treatment has enabled me for the first time to walk better using my walker. For the first time I have the confidence and... Read More

William's Letter

To Whom It May Concern;

I am writing to say that with the new installation of a stair lift for my partner Franklin has given him added mobility to stay in the home. Franklin has gained a sense of safety in the fact that he does not have to worry about being out of breath from his COPD as he climbs the stairs to use the restroom. The same sense of security is... Read More


Sharon's Letter


Yes, the stove has arrived and installed. The job has been completed. We are very happy with the final project. We are still in the process of putting everything back in order, but we are thrilled with Jack’s ability to access the kitchen and join us for meals. Thank you so much. I would be happy to take photos and send them once we have everything back in order.



Gigi's Letter


I am writing to thank you for Brian’s camp experience last year and to request funding for Brian to attend Adult Day Camp again this year. In addition to Brian camp experience with others, it provides respite for the family.

Thank you and have a wonderful week.


Gigi L's Letter

Good Afternoon Kyle,

I just wanted to take a minute and say thank you from the bottom of my heart for approving the application for Brian to go to camp. He had a wonderful time! I think it did him a world of good and it didn't hurt me, even though I did miss him.

So once again ..... Thank you
Gigi Law